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Now You Can Support Women From Anywhere! Why not start here?

Updated: Jan 9, 2019

Why did our brand launch today?

That is because 100 years ago in 1919 women got the vote, but that was not the end of the road for our fight. There is still so much to be done so today on 1/9/19 I call upon ALL people.

History Lesson

I think we forget about history and its relevance to our lives. It is 1919. You are a women, did you know when the fight for women's rights began? It spanned the years of 1848 to 1920. Wait? What? Yes 72 year! This timeline included the famed women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, N.Y., resulting in the formation of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. What is that you may ask, because like me you probably did not pay attention during History. I went to an all girls school, leaving me no excuse! The suffragist movement fought for the right to vote in the US, and the people who were part of that movement were suffragists. The word suffrage means the right to vote in elections, not suffering as word alludes to. It was my goal that I could not launch a brand representing a modern woman's movement without looking into the past. I will be taking you back in time for the next few blogs so we can understand those who stood before us and paved the way. Rocky as it was and may still be I want to learn from those heroes, sung or unsung.

Women's Right to vote, passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, and voila the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.

Ask a scholar tells us "What were the results of the women's suffrage movement and the right to vote? Women's suffrage has had a profound impact on the USA. The prohibition movement has been called "the first mass women's movement in US history" and prohibition was spurred by women getting the vote in many states before the national amendment took effect in 1920. And women backed prohibition more strongly than men." I know, right? Bet you did not know that, women of that time did not believe in substance and the abuse it brought upon people. The total amount of untimely, hell unnecessary deaths due to substance is astounding, little did you know women saw that coming. Ever hear of women's instinct? I will leave you with that thought.


Women's Movement is an infinite cause and through our brand, platform, and initiatives we are going to work together to achieve history.

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